Illustrated Dictionary:

page 1 - the cycle of life, family tree, the body, animals, in town, out of town

page 2 - colors, directions, time, weather, days and dates, where and when

page 3 - pronunciation, greetings, numbers

page 4 - food and dining

page 5 - clothing, morning rituals, health, adjectives

page 6 - sports and leisure, school, house and home


page1 - pronouns, sentences, propositions & conjunctions

page2 - nouns, articles, adjectives & adverbs

page3 - verbs

page4 - verbs (continued), conditional sentences


page1 - punctuation, composing sentences, paragraphs & essay

page2 - style guidelines

page3 - commonly confused word and fraises

page4 - irregular verbs, common misspelled words


page1 - introduction, length, mass and weight

page2 - volume & area

page3 - speed, time, energy & power, cooking measurements, geometry equations

page4 - temperature


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